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1800 886 886

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Adverse Information & s57 Natural Justice

Adverse Information & s57 Natural Justice

A s57 Natural Justice Letter which is also known as an ‘Invitation to Comment on Adverse Information’ Letter which is sent by the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) to provide you with an opportunity to comment and present information if the DOHA is considering refusing your visa application any number of grounds including bogus document and information that is false, or misleading has been provided in the visa application.

It is very important that your case is properly represented to DOHA. At minimum, we do the following:

  • Understand the Adverse Information
  • We carefully read the letter and identify the specific issues or concerns raised by the DOHA. In addition, we also ask all your immigration history and both your past and current personal circumstances.
  • Gather Evidence and Documentation
    We request any supporting documents or evidence that directly addresses the concerns raised by DOHA. We also request documents that either refute or clarify the adverse information raised by DOHA.
  • Prepare a Clear and Structured Response
    It is not enough to have all the supporting documents. The well-presented case must have clear structure and easy to understand submission. We make sure that our submission is clear and with proper weighted evidence.
  • Provide Any New Information
    The time must have passed since the date of lodgement and current situation. If there is any additional information or documents that was not provided earlier but is now relevant due to the s57 Natural Justice Letter, we ensure that it is included in our response in the form of written submission.



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