Divorce Lawyer
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A no-fault divorce principle operates under the Australian family law. That means a person does not have to justify why the marriage ended. The only legal requirement for getting a divorce is that there has been ‘irretrievable breakdown’ of the marriage and there is no likelihood that the parties will get back together.
The granting of a divorce simply recognizes that the marriage has ended but does not solve issues concerning support, property distribution or arrangements for children.
You must meet certain criteria before applying for divorce. If there are children aged under 18, a court can only grant a divorce if it is satisfied that proper arrangements are in place for them.
Going all through a divorce or separation can be an extremely disturbing time for you. In adding to the normal matters to reflect in a divorce or separation there are possibly financial arrangements to be made, property settlement, tax issues to consider and of course. if you have kids with partner, there is complicated process of discussing child living agreements.
We will then provide you with an assessment of your family law situation. You may have doubts about the process; inquiries about what to do next and essentially you may not know who to get the proper advice from. We will give you good legal advice as to how to carry on having evaluated your matter.
Divorce, or the separation of the legal marriage is a fairly uncomplicated process.
As we are blessed with a no-fault Family Law structure, all a divorced spouse needs to demonstrate in order to get a divorce order is that they have been separated from the other partner for at least 1 year.
This can be a bit more difficult to demonstrate if part of that phase of separation has occurred under the one roof top as further evidence of divorce will need to be provided.
Your ex-spouse will need to be directly assisted with your Application for Divorce and supporting certification and, if you have children under 18 years of age, look at the divorce hearing is necessary, except it is a joint application.
If you are legally characterized, then your best divorce lawyers appears at the divorce trial on your behalf.
Some people decide to apply for the divorce themselves. If you prefer to leave the paperwork (and attending the divorce hearing) to a specialist, we can take care of all facets of applying for and acquiring a separation for you.
It is important that from the date the divorce order is put up, the couple have 12 months to get an submission of application to the court for a property settlement (if the separation of the assets has not previously been decided).
If you need assistance with this, feel free to contact our experienced property settlement lawyers.
Relevant information:
The average cost of a hiring divorce lawyer varies from case to case. It can also vary on whether the divorce lawyer is assisting you manage your property settlement, child custody and so on, or how difficult the divorce is. Contact Ghothane Lawyers for details of how we charge.
Divorce is rather that occurs to many married couples but seeing this doesn’t make what you are getting all through any simpler. Having a good divorce lawyer Melbourne on your side will assist ease you out of this change and let you move forward with pride.
We understand at Ghothane Lawyers that family law matters can touch upon several aspects of law. Because we have an experienced lawyers covering all your relevant legal needs.
Contact us by phone on 1800 886 886 or email: info@ghothane.com.au to discuss your requirements and apply for divorce.