Office Address

Level 1, 550 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone Number

1800 886 886

Email Address

Skill Assessment

Skill Assessment

Skilled occupation list

​​​​​​The following visas are available to individuals who are qualified to work or train in an eligible skilled occupation in Australia and can meet all other requirements:

The combined list specifies:

  • The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) code for each occupation. The ANZSCO provides information on the skill level of jobs, qualifications and/or experience needed to work in occupations
  • Caveats which exclude the use of the occupation in certain circumstances (applies to the ENS – Direct Entry stream and TSS visas only)​
  • Whether the occupation is included on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) or the Regional Occupation List (ROL).
  • The assessing authority for skills assessments. A current list of eligible skilled occupations can be found in a legislative instrument for the relevant visa program.​

Removed occupations

Pending nomination and/or visa applications will not be adversely impacted by the subsequent removal of any occupation from the skilled occupation lists.

If you already hold a skilled visa, you will not be impacted by these removed occupations unless there are changes in your circumstances which require the lodgement of a new nomination application – in which case you may then be impacted. This impact may occur if you are changing your occupation or employer, and your occupation is no longer on the combined list of eligible skilled occupations.

Please find  Skill Assessment Authority  for skilled occupation list.




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